Course Description

Welcome to our fast paced introduction to coding with HTML5

This course is perfect for anyone who wants to learn more about creating web content.

Bonus PDF guide - Loaded with resources, code snippets and lesson information to help you learn

Step by step guide to learn HTML code and how you can apply the code to your own web projects

Get started today with HTML

Course covers the basics - along with additional resources for expanded HTML learning

  • Create a basic web page with HTML HEAD BODY and TITLE Tags
  • Create a basic web template that can be used as a starting point for all your web pages
  • Learn about tools needed to write HTML code and how to get coding right away
  • Upload and create your first public webpage that you can share with friends and family - Your own URL with your HTML code project :)

Course covers

  • Basic HTML tag and element
  • Common HTML tags and how to use them and what they do
  • Creating a Template
  • HTML character codes
  • Creating Lists with HTML
  • Headings and semantic page structure
  • Adding hyperlinks and images to your web page
  • Various text styled HTML tags
  • Tables and styling of table elements
  • Setting up github page

Taught by an instructor with many years of web development experience ready to help you learn more about HTML

Fast friendly support is always available within the Q&A section

What are you waiting for, you have nothing to lose, join now and start coding HTML today.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to learn more about creating digital content
  • Anyone who wants to learn about creating web pages
  • Anyone who works with digital content and web content
  • Anyone who wants to learn HTML



  • Computer and internet access
  • Desire to learn about HTML


What you'll learn:

  • HTML
  • Creating a simple website from scratch

Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Introduction to HTML

    • Web Development Setup Tips

    • Website BoilerPlate Template

    • Create Your First HTML Tags

    • Common Tags in HTML

    • Text Formats HTML

    • Semantic Content Holders

    • HTML Lists

    • Comments and MetaTags

    • Hyperlinks HTML

    • Images HTML tag

    • Character Codes

    • HTML Tables

    • HTML Style Attribute

    • Live on the Internet GitPage

    • HTML 1 Hour Course Guide

  2. 2
    • source code

HTML Learn HTML5 in 1 Hour Quick Learn Course Beginners